Claire Biros – Köln

Claire Biros
50937 Köln
Telefon: +49 1783013176
I started my path in the birth world as a student midwife in 2011. I studied and worked in France and in 2018 went in England where I work both in high-risk pregnancy services and also in Birth Centre (natural Birth settings). I loved what I discover in England, it was less medicalised than in France, natural birth was much more supported and every midwife had only one woman in labour to take care of.
When I arrived in Cologne 2019, I still want to support couples in their birth journey but didn’t necessarly want to work as a Midwife. And also knew how important it is to be able to be supported in a language that you feel comfortable with, with someone who understands the difference of cultures. That’s how I embraced the Doula world.
Because I am always curious to learn more, I am currently a trainee at Birthing From Within.
My aim is to guide you so you can find your own way towards pregnancy, birth and parenting. I see the child birthing time as a Hero.x.ine journey with its preparation, challenges, deep learning, Great Unknown and integrative return. During the birth preparation, I give as much importance to science-based theory than to Hands-on practices, deep-reflecting exercises and birth art. I love to work with Birthing Parents and their Birth Partners because I see how a well prepared Birth Partner brings so much to a birth experience.
Whether you have a hospital-birth, homebirth, natural birth or cesearean birth project, you are welcome here.